This morning everyone had their feet trimmed which was probably not a genius idea before a lesson. Gracie was a little foot sore. Because of that and because she was stiff in general we started with cloverleaves at trot to remember that there is bend in this world, then moved on to the Fan exercise at the walk. Shoulder-in right, straighten, shoulder-in left, straighten, shoulder-in right. Ask for the jaw, then the poll, then the shoulder. Keep my inside hip forward. Go slowly..... it is amazingly challenging.
Once Gracie loosened up we moved to trot. Same exercise. Then moved to the 1/4 line for the same exercise and added half-pass. That was easy when we were half-passing to the left. Very difficult to the right. She tosses me to the left... if I can manage to sit over to the right and stay back (no tipping forward) then she goes to the left. But it's a very small window to hit.
Came home and rode Pico around the loop with Lindsay and Demi. He's getting tired of the loop.