Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Rochelle had us canter in a circle (a very small circle in her indoor arena) over 4 cross-rails.  That worked will on the left lead because I can half-halt with my left hand, keep Pico balanced, look ahead, and keep my leg on all at the same time.  He also rocks back onto his haunches nicely, allowing me to bring his shoulders around the curve.  Then there is the right lead.  Yikes.  The jumps are the wrong distance, Pico runs around, drops into a trot, loses his balance, skids around the corners, trots faster and faster. It's ugly.

Then it got more difficult.  We went a circle plus one jump to the left, then jumped a diagonal jump, came back around and jumped a diagonal jump in the other direction, jumped the first one again, then back to the circle the other direction.  We had problems with energy on top of all the jumps.  

I really wish my arena wasn't snow-covered, so I could try it again at home.  Clearly I need a lot of cantering with outside rein, outside half-halts, rebalancing, etc.

Last week I had a dressage lesson on Gracie that addressed the same issues.  We had good left lead canter.  To the right she bulged and bent way too much ans lost connection with her inside hind.  I didn't have a solid outside half-halt to help put her together and center her balance.   To the left I spend a lot of time keeping myself balanced and using my outside seatbone.  I think that almost helps.  To the right I am more confortable and perhaps don't ride it as effectively.

Tomorrow I have a dressage lesson on Pico, so we'll have to work on the same issues from that perspective again.