Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lesson on Pico

It's finally time to pick Pico up just a little.  We worked today on asking him to go through to the bit -- not me pulling back to bring the bit to him, but him pushing forward and taking the bit.  And of course staying relaxed in his back and through behind.  I have to remember to sit up (back really) and keep my legs on.  He requires a lot of pushing with my seat and legs to help him go forward.  

We spent a lot of time on 3 loop serpentines with a canter circle at each end and in the middle.  Then moved on to leg yield right, canter left lead, trot up center, leg yield left (that required a change of bend!), canter right lead.  Every time he threw his head up and stiffened at the leg yield I added a circle and pushed him forward again.  Eventually he figured it out and began to go really forward in the leg yield.  I had to remember not to grab the inside rein and to keep my legs on, not drop him, push him forward into the leg yield and into the down transitions.

Great ride!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Two Rides

A little cold front is blowing through and it's actually coolish!
Gracie:  Canter/walk's were pretty darn good.  I started with the move the neck around exercise at the canter.  She is getting better about it even on the left lead, though she still wants to go upside-down. I never had the behind the bit, through the hear around, drop the back hissy fit. :^)  We tried a few flying changes instead of the down-transition and they were much better also.  If I can hold onto them she can stay balanced.  I really have to think about tipping my pelvis up and tightening my lower belly.  It's hard!  That gives her the room to come through though.

Also did canter squares both directions.  Almost had the hissy fit to the left, but I hung onto it and kicked her through as soon as the thought crossed her mind.    Right went pretty well.  Left was of course more difficult.  

Canter half-pass both directions - not bad.  It's hard to regain straight from left and still keep her engaged. Right is easier.  Also tried canter lengthenings -- not so hot there.

Trot work -- mostly half-pass.  Her medium comes and goes, but is getting  little more consistent.  I think it's just practice.  The extended is still in my imagination only.

Pico:  Carried a whip again and banged on the fence with it.  Also moved the arm of my jacket, which was hanging on a fence post.  My.  He held on though.  He did not want to relax his back this morning.  In the canter I ended up holding him until he gave in.  Dropping him didn't seem to get us anywhere.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

In which I ride with a whip

Rode Pico with a dressage whip in hand today.  Not a big deal.  Also worked on backing up.  

Gracie is working on letting me move her head around and switch her balance from her left shoulder. It's a long slow road.  On the happy side her canter/walk is getting really good.  Collected canter can be awesome.  Trot half pass is much better both directions.  

Monday, August 15, 2011


Lovely ride tonight - around the loop on Gracie and then some arena time.  If we work really really really hard she can do a canter down transition that is through.  She didn't feel sore at all tonight, just fighting her natural inclination to drop her back and prop with the front end.

Rode Pico this morning - he was pretty well-behaved also.  Trotting with a relaxed back, leg yield with a relaxed back.  We can even trot the leg yield along the wall without getting tense.  Lindsey Joy rode him yesterday -- he started out tense, but relaxed quickly.  I'm asking him to move out more and he is able to do that without finding the sewing machine gait again.  

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Lots of riding.  Pico is good.  Gracie has had some ups and downs.  We worked out a good stretchy workout for the beginning of rides, then worked on a new exercise -- canter, piaffe, canter.  The down transitions are getting better, but I absolutely cannot lean forward and I absolutely cannot give any release to her.  So very very hard.  

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Lesson Again on Pico - more long and low and you have a left shoulder

Three exercises 

1) Long and low on a circle, leg yield into change of bend (figure 8)
2) leg yield at walk along rail.  Not half-pass.  He needs to be long and low and relaxed through his back going both directions (turn on forehand at end).
3)  Canter long and low on a circle, down to trot staying long and low and through.  This one morphs into circles at ends of the arena with a shallow serpentine in between at a trot.

He is definitely right shouldered.  Going right I need to turn my body in (shoulders and belly button), keep my left hand steady (but lose rein -- he has to have somewhere to go).  Take and give on right. Slow and big.  He does eventually go to the left rein.  Hard to keep it there for him without picking it up to much.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Lesson on Pico - Long and Low

He needs to be a bloodhound for a few weeks.  :^)

Seriously, we worked on long and low -- to get his nose out and his poll down I have to practically be on the buckle.  He really tried hard though, which was a pleasant experience.  We worked on spiral in and out to get him to go to the bit.  Then changed to spiral in and out, figure 8.  

Canter was the same thing.  He drops his poll and raises his back and loses his balance, so we have a few miles yet to go there.

Lindsay was over and rode Gracie this am also.  Sound! I think it is her back and a saddle fit issue.

County Fair

Sat-Mon.  Lindsey rode, I did not.

Reserve Champion both English and Western, but not particularly pretty championships.