Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yesterday - Half Pass

Had a great ride on Gracie yesterday!  That half-pass and even haunches in that we absolutely could not do Sunday finally happened.  If I use a strong (strong) indirect rein on the left suddenly the bend appear, the haunches move left,  and we finally have a rhythmic, solid, left half-pass. Yay!    She even has some steps that really are moving up and over and begining to feel a little floaty.  Of course right after two or three of those either Gracie or I immediately fall over.  

I think my biggest issue was that I was trying too hard to shift my weight inside and as a result I was leaning forward and completely losing my outside seat bone.  I do better if I try to sit up straighter and keep weight on that seatbone, no collapsing to the inside.  


We still had it when I rode today, but tomorrow I am off to Glenwood for two days...  hope it doesn't disappear!

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