Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Lesson Again on Pico - more long and low and you have a left shoulder

Three exercises 

1) Long and low on a circle, leg yield into change of bend (figure 8)
2) leg yield at walk along rail.  Not half-pass.  He needs to be long and low and relaxed through his back going both directions (turn on forehand at end).
3)  Canter long and low on a circle, down to trot staying long and low and through.  This one morphs into circles at ends of the arena with a shallow serpentine in between at a trot.

He is definitely right shouldered.  Going right I need to turn my body in (shoulders and belly button), keep my left hand steady (but lose rein -- he has to have somewhere to go).  Take and give on right. Slow and big.  He does eventually go to the left rein.  Hard to keep it there for him without picking it up to much.

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