Thursday, March 15, 2012

Riding Riding Riding

Have actually been a riding fiend for the past two weeks - 5 days last week for both horses and on track to do that this week as well.  Lindsay K has been out just as much, so both horses are getting those days. Today was lesson day -- Gracie was pretty sound.  I did bute her, but I think I rode more correctly also and that that helps a lot.  Plus she is perhaps a little less in season this week.  

So...  I really have to ride her hind quarters and pay attention to my legs and outside shoulder.  As soon as my outside shoulder comes forward her haunches slide in and everything falls apart.  Thinking about drawing the circle with her hind legs helps quite a lot.  Also attempting to keep my stomach tight helps to keep my shoulders where they belong.  We did one exercise where we went from shoulder-in to haunches-in.  To the right I ask for too much bend.  It really is not much -- half a horse width, so maybe 6 inches at most.  For haunches-in, if I really sit back I bring my outside rein back and keep my inside leg on.  Keeping that leg on on the key to not getting too much haunches-in.

Legs wrapped around her lightly and softly, but touching.  Stay with her for the down-transitions.  

I had one beautiful transition from walk to trot - I felt her back come way up before the trot started -- really reminded me of what I am looking for.

Also had a good reminder that everything has to be more forward.  I think one reason Gracie has been sore is because we have been spending time in false collection -- short little steps, but no sit and no push, and no belly involved.  We seem to fix that best by going a little more forward and spending time deep and low.

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