Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Flying Changes or can Lisa sit to the left?

New exercise today -- For me:  rising trot, sit right, sit left, sit right, sit left.  Don't tip shoulders.  Only hips are going back and forth.  This does mean my left knee has to bend.

For Gracie: canter in a big oval to right.  Look waaaaay left. Not just head, but shoulders have to shift also (weight off the left shoulder, bend to left, get ribs over right, etc.).  Lisa has to sit right and look left for this to happen.  Try the other way.  

Finally to flying change.  Start to right.  In center of arena shift to right, bend her to right, ask for change.  Yay!  Same thing the other way.  The right to left changes were easier today I think because I am better at moving right.

I need to canter on a circle asking her to bend to the outside a lot.  That helps us both canter without leaning to the inside. And practice shifting myself over to the new outside.

Rode Pico this evening - few minutes in the arena followed by the loop.  We worked on lowering his neck and staying stable.  Also he likes to stay bent to the right, so we worked on left.  Practiced leg yields on the road.  And also rode in the hail (interesting) and rain (calm).  Yeesh.

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